I'm now back and ready to finish this LP! Let's take on another side story to kick things off.

So of course, there's a complication in this upcoming reunion between teacher and pupil.

Naturally, Cyrus is not one to let a fellow scholar and educator languish in danger.

Mary herself is pretty much as studious as she appears in Cyrus's story. She's also still the only royalty that shows up besides King Khalim and Princess Gloria of Marsalim.

There's probably a NPC that tells us where he went, but I think I missed them, so pretend I talked to that NPC and didn't just remember to go here instead.
This is the optional dungeon for this area of the Coastlands, and yes, this is a Level 45 dungeon in a Chapter 1 area.

Otherwise, it's your bog-standard underwatern cavern, and rather boring by those standards. Though it does have a couple details that make it stand out.

First, whatever the hell sea mammal has such massive teeth.

I assume this inflicts a status effect since it dealt no damage, but it dealt no status effect either. I blame the giant teeth distracting it.

Otherwise, there is a mysterious figure over here. Could this be Professor Paul...?

In fact, this is Vanessa Hysel, the boss from Alfyn's Chapter 2. Seems she's at least chilled considerably since Alfyn beat her up and haunted her nightmares.

She also holds the strongest dagger in the game, the Battle-tested Dagger. That PhysAtk is a huge boost over the second-best dagger, and it has a nifty debuff that pairs well with its massive Evasion boost. Really great grab.

Anyway I decide to have her tag along because, well, why not. She's probably lonely living in this cave by herself.

Also she has drugs, and drugs in RPGs are always good.

Eventually, I do find the actual Professor Paul.

He's certainly a professor, alright.

Sadly, we have to take Professor Paul with us to complete this side story, and I only bothered to bring Ophilia along. Have fun being alone in a dark wet cave!

Now to hurry him back to Princess Mary before he gives us a lecture.

Everyone has that one teacher that changed their entire view on life. For Princess Mary, this was more than just reuniting with a teacher that gave her new perspective, this was about keeping a promise ten years in the making.

But all of that is irrelevant to us. All we care about is this staff, which has mediocre ElemAtk for a end-game staff but makes up for it with an ice boost. It's nice when paired with another weapon we'll get later that also boosts ice as well as another weapon with high ElemAtk like the Rune Glaive. So it takes a bit of work to make this weapon shine, but it's definitely a solid option!

At any rate, it seems the future looks bright in Atlasdam, as great professors such as Paul and Cyrus have ensured the kingdom will be in great hands for the next generations.
Next time, we beat up regrets.