I know, I know. You've been waiting a long time for this day, but finally, we get to once again see the magnificent Meryl. It's but for a brief moment, but let us appreciate what little time we'll have with her to delight in her full splendor.

Meryl is so brave and so wonderful to go on such a journey alone. Truly our tales are nothing compared to what she has experienced so far.

This poor soul has not yet learned that he is in the presence of a being whose grace and wonder surpasses that of a goddess. Truly we must educate him on his ignorance.


Meryl is so wonderful a human being that she is willing to take the full blame of the failings of a family she may not even be a part of, and if that means enduring the hatred of a wronged man, so be it. Truly an inspiration for us all.

Even the most hate-filled man cannot maintain such darkness when in the presence of Meryl.

I'm just grateful we were able to play even the tiniest part in Meryl's continued quest to find the wonderful woman that had the privilege of giving birth to Meryl.

Unsurprisingly, even a man who despised everything about Meryl came around to knowing how amazing and awe-inspiring a person she is. She truly enriches the lives of everyone who gets to experience her.
Next time, irrelevant fluff that has nothing to do with Meryl, who cares.