Today we'll conclude Chapter Two (as far as this LP goes, all the side stories are really a Chapter 2/3 combo and the last update was really a Chapter 1 side quest, but details) by concluding part two of this bizarre love story.

So Part 2 of this side story...has nothing to do with Lyblac at all. Instead we need to help Alphas get laid.

Did you know Alphas was a poet? Maybe if we shared this with every woman in the world, one will somehow fall for it and we'll get Alphas his happy ending.

Let's start our world-wide quest with this woman who doesn't appear until after we start this side story.

If only we had such words to tell her...


So we helped the lovestruck fool find his soulmate. We've successfully solved the puzzle of Daughter of the Dark God Part Two!

And even Lyblac has found her perfect man! A happy ending for everyone!
The only problem is that we never got to meet this daughter of the dark god. Oh well, some things are best left a mystery.

We'll be sticking around Saintsbridge, as next time we begin Chapter 3 with Alfyn.