Today is the beginning of the end of Primrose's tale. We've arrived at Everhold, where Primrose is finally ready to get the revenge she's waited so long for.
This music plays for the Chapter 4 towns where things are not right. Which is kind of weird for Everhold's case, as the NPCs here are fine and relatively normal...at least as far as Everhold's citizens can be. More on them on the town update, though.

This first cutscene is short, but it's still a cutscene so that means it's an excuse for some banter!

Everhold's a weird place in general. At first glance, it's another town high up on the peaks of the Highlands, one built around an old castle. However, for some inexplicable reason, the castle has been turned into a theater, so Everhold's a bit of a theater town, despite being on the ass-end of the continent in an area where travel is difficult.
It does get explained eventually, but it's stupid.

There's a neat secondary theme hidden solely in the banters for this chapter, where Primrose slowly discovers the power of friendship. Considering the banters and even having allies is optional, this is a clever way to develop something like that considering Primrose is otherwise going solo for this chapter.

Anyway, someone suggested bringing Bookworm Girl on the journey she always wanted to go on. Well, we'll give her an adventure she'll never forget, no matter how much she wants to!

And so we make our way into the Amphitheatre...

This chapter is one of the few that actually changes things up a bit from the usual chapter formula. First off, we'll be watching scenes of this play as we progress in the chapter.

We see a couple cradling a newborn child, with the father looking suspiciously like...

The play seems to be recreating the birth of Primrose, in which we also catch our only glimpse of Primrose's mother. It's assumed she died shortly after Primrose was born, but the game never specifies.
Also, weirdly enough, while Dahlia only has the one sprite (which is why I'm using such a weird one), Dahlia's stunt double in the play has a whole sprite sheet of her standing and what-not, despite being even less relevant. Go figure!

Primrose, naturally, is not taking this whole "Having my life produced as a play penned by my father's murderer" thing too well. Simeon is certainly a special kind of twisted.
At any rate, this triggers some more banters.

Even in her lowest moments, Primrose can't resist teasing Tressa. It's...a bit of a weird choice for this particular instance, but alright.

Furthering the friendship theme, Primrose is at her lowest point, with her mortal foe and former love tormenting her soul for his own sick pleasure. That her allies and friends are standing by her through all this is huge, and it's their strength and Primrose's will that is keeping her going.
Which makes all this even more affecting if you imagine doing this as solo Primrose. With no one to rely on in that case, Primrose really must have the utmost faith in her convictions to keep on. That, or she can rely on the emotional support of Bookworm Girl.

At any rate, once we head further...

...it turns out this Amphitheatre is our dungeon for today. Indeed, we'll actually be getting chunks of story during the dungeon.
Of course, this also makes this one of the largest dungeons in the game.

Due to all the banters, I'm opting to retrace my early steps after I get my next one, which is when Therion will rob the place blind.

Other than the usual elemental sentinels, guardians, and curators, Obsidian agents also patrol the premises.
Speaking of which, turns out they also pop up in the Grandport Sewers in Tressa's final chapter! Which means Esmeralda had at least some connection to the Obsidians...

It's only a couple of screens until we reach our next story cutscene.

And so we continue with another banter.

Primrose is being haunted by the past, but at the same time, what use does the past have for her in this moment? All she can do is move forward and tackle the task at hand.

At this point, I teleport out and restructure my team. H'aanit and Alfyn have banters, Therion has loot. Since I don't want to redo the dungeon a third time, this will be my boss team.

The Unseen Saber is our new strongest blade, with a respectable Evasion boost and the ability to inflict Confusion. I'm happy to have it.
We also get a second Ethereal Dancer Garb, which is a welcome get.

Not as good as the Wizard Rod, but a decent second option with a really nice debuff.

Otherwise, we tackle a couple more rooms as the Bookworm Girl becomes more and more concerned with what she's gotten herself into...

It's hard to tell with the lighting, but these sprites have different coloring from their real-life counterparts.

We're near the end. Which also means it's time to finish up the banters.

Considering Primrose has been alone for essentially her entire adult life, save perhaps Yusafa, Primrose must be feeling pretty touched to have all these people standing by her and supporting her. This may be one of my favorite chapters as far as banters go due just to that. It's a really clever thing, and I wish more of the chapters built sub-themes like that.

This might've been better in an earlier chapter, or at least not right before the final confrontation with Simeon. Still, it's probably good advice for someone like Primrose whose had a single-minded focus for so long. Just, maybe better to do so at a time other than the instant she's about to get her well-aged vengeance...

Next time, it's finally time for revenge.