As usual, a new town means some more side stories.

Seems we've got a wannabe knight to contend with.

This aspiring knight can be found in the Cliftlands, to the east of Orewell on the path to Dragonsong Fane.

His type is becoming all too clear. His romantic ideas of being a knight will likely shatter once reality sets in.

Also he has another Rune Hatchet, which I gladly obtain.
So shall we egg him on or let reality hit him?

The guy is a rank-three challenge, so Olberic doesn't even get a chance to smack him with Brand's Thunder.

And like that, Cervantes realizes that he's probably going to get killed if he continues on his fantasies as a knight and decides to quit while he's ahead.

With all that, Cervantes returns to Riverford and decides to dedicate his efforts to help the town.
A noble ending, to be sure, but why dash his hopes and let him end in yet another failed venture when instead we can encourage him to finally pursue his dreams proper? Besides, Cervantes's servant did mention she wished someone would accompany Cervantes...

...and we can find such a person here in Atlasdam!

This young man aspires to be a squire and would ideally love to be the Sancho to a Don Quixote-type, and do we have the knight for him!

...Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

If nothing else, the young squire probably has a better head on his shoulders than The Chosen Knight, so he could look out for the both of them and keep them out of trouble for the most part.

Also they managed to travel fifty feet or so since starting their journey together.

Oh, you poor kid. You don't know what you've signed up for...
We'll tack on one final side story next time before we dive into our penultimate character finale.