This is the small village of Cobblestone, and to the left is our next character, albeit in different clothes than in the character select screen.

Olberic's story probably has the most meat in it besides Primrose's. It doesn't hurt that Olberic's voice actor embraces the melodrama and that his writing is almost over-the-top in how brooding he is, as you'll see shortly.

At any rate, let's begin!

We go back to the titular Battle of Hornburg, to witness how Olberic fell into the life he lives today.

Olberic takes out a soldier with minimal effort.

About that...

For now, we have won.

Turns out it was all a dream of painful memories past. Of course it was. That's all JRPG protagonists ever dream about.

Turns out one of the local youths is nearby.

Olberic is kind of bad about hiding his tragic past. Luckily the other villagers don't seem to mind and/or care.

Olberic's a massive ham. His main story hook is trying to find a purpose in life after failing his king and having nothing left but his skill with a blade. He milks his tragic backstory for every ounce it's worth, and to the voice actor's credit he embraces this and makes all of Olberic's lines as overdramatic as possible, which makes his battle lines all the more fantastic. But that's for the next update when we tackle the boss.

For now, we need to visit the headman.

As Olberic exits his home, a couple of locals approach him.

Bandits about, eh? That certainly sounds bad.

No matter, for now our priority is with the headman.

This is meant as a gasp of surprise and awkwardness. For bits without full voice acting, each character may have a random line or grunt before each text bubble that portrays the spirit of that line. Olberic's in particular are pretty wordy and as dramatic as his spoken dialogue.
If it were louder I would've bothered capturing it as a MP4.

After that scene, the two patrolmen from earlier pop up behind us.

And now we get to do Olberic's Path Action, Challenge. Olberic can choose to Challenge a character to a duel, and if he wins he knocks them out. There's usually no real incentive for doing so, but this can knock away NPCs guarding a home, or can resolve certain Side Stories, and later on some NPCs may have rare drops if you're inclined to grind those.
And Olberic can Challenge a surprising amount of NPCs. For instance, he can beat up the Headman and Philip's Mother if I wanted. And I may do so later...

For now, though, let's focus on training these two fellows here.

You get a general and vague Strength gauge to work with. Luckily, there's no penalty for losing a duel with Challenge, though there is if you use H'aanit's Path Action of Provoke.

NPC Challenge Duels are just like any other battle, except only Olberic is involved.

Olberic favors the sword and also uses the spear. His two starting skills include a target-all sword attack and an attack self-buff.

This battle is trivial, as this NPC is weak to both of Olberic's weapons.

Very weak, it turns out.

And you still get rewards for beating these poor saps up.

Next up is this fellow.

While the other NPC only attacks, this one only Defends. NPCs can have tricks up their sleeves besides basic attacks.
Olberic strikes this fool down regardless.

Olberic may be good with a blade, but he's also a good teacher that can size up others' strengths and weaknesses. Even with that short training session, these two are already much better prepared than they would've been otherwise.

i.e. We need to find a way to transition to some action.

There we go.

Just a quick jaunt to the action...


Finally, someone speaking my language.

Three on one seems unfair, but...

...this is Olberic we're talking about.

One fully-charged Level Slash weakens them significantly, allowing for easy pickings from there.

The bandit uses the distraction to take off. There are more pressing matters at hand anyway...

And with that, we finally have a full four-person party.

After the usual upgrades, it's time to head out.

This is a decently-long winding path up the peak.

Most of the usual foes from before, all still very flammable.

Along the way, I pick up Hired Help. I'll show this off in the boss video. I mainly opted for this because the next boss uses a lot of physical attacks, and the cheapest Hired Help option gives a party-wide PhysDef buff, which is of course very handy. And as a bonus, I unlock the Endless Items passive.

Our first encounter with a Rockadillo.

It goes about as you'd expect.

Up this particularly unsafe-looking bridge...

...and it looks like we've discovered where the bandits are hiding.

The same encounter as before, except this time we have three strong allies, so...


To end things, let's show off Olberic's skills since he just gained enough JP for a skill.
Level Slash (9SP) - Attack all foes with a sword.
It's actually 25% stronger than a base attack, though each boost only adds 90% more damage as a trade off, so it's a wash for single-target enemies. Regardless, it's a great skill throughout the game as a cheap target-all.
Abide (4SP) - Increase the user's physical attack strength for 3 turns.
Only works on Olberic. About what you'd expect. Two extra turns per boost point.
Spearhead (6SP) - Attack a single foe with a polearm, and act earlier on your next turn.
50% more damage, and lowers the target's defense to 80% of its base value, with each boost adding 100% more damage. Using this means Olberic goes first before anybody besides enemies recovering from break. A nice way to focus on turn order and deal damage at the same time.
Incite (4SP) - Become more readily targeted by foes for 3 turns.
From my experience, physicals always target Olberic when it's on. It definitely has its uses, especially since Olberic's Talent involves Boosting the Defend ability to take less damage.
Cross Strike (12SP) - Unleash a sword attack on a single foe.
It does a nice 90% extra damage on a base attack, adds 100% attack per boost point, and only factors in 2/3 of the target's defense to boot. This is Olberic's best attack for most of the game, so it's a good one to grab.
Stout Wall (4SP) - Increase the user's physical defense for 3 turns.
Same deal as Abide.
Thousand Spears (20SP) - Attack random foes with a polearm 5 to 10 times.
This is a weird one. It does random single-target attacks, each one doing a pretty weak 80% of damage and adding 25% more defense to the target, with boosting adding a meager 40% more damage per point. This skill ignores Accuracy and Evasion entirely, with its hit formula being somewhat arbitrary beyond a guarantee of three hits. Honestly, the only reason to use it over something like Level Slash is to rip through the shields of a lone target weak to spears. Still, in that rare situation, this ability is fantastic, so at least it's not useless.
Brand's Thunder (30SP) - [Divine Skill] Unleash a tremendously powerful sword attack on a single foe.
A whopping 1275% the damage of a regular attack, while also factoring in only 60% of the target's defense. Just a pure, painful physical sword strike. There's beauty in simplicity.
Passive Skills:
Cover: The equipping character will absorb single-targeted damage for allies who are near death.
Near Death is <30% Max HP. I'm pretty "meh" on these kinds of abilities in games, and this one is no exception. There's a few fun things you can do I guess, but that's true of a lot of other abilities, too.
Summon Strength: Increases the physical attack strength of the equipping character by 50.
Like the other stat-boosting passives, a solid filler ability until something better comes along.
Endure: When the equipping character is afflicted with poison, sleep, confusion, blindness, silence, terror, or unconsciousness, their physical and elemental defenses are enhanced.
Flat out adds the PhysDef and ElemDef buffs when Olberic has a status effect. All of these are particularly nasty to have, and even if you kept them they generally expire after a few rounds at most, so I really don't see this passive being worth it.
Surpassing Power: Increases the maximum damage that can be dealt by the equipping character to 99,999.
The damage cap is 9,999 without this ability. Frankly, it's stupid this is even a passive in the first place, but what can you do. Essentially required for your damage dealers in the end game, as you may expect.

I decided to pick Cross Strike, and with that, next time we'll make our way to rescue Philip, and also listen to the best song in the game...