The bandits are holed up in this cave.

This chest is a bit tricky to find, but it's worth it. I give it to Primrose since she's a bit fragile compared to Tressa and Olberic.

Brigands abound, of course.

They're weak to a lot of our stuff, and it helps we have all elements besides light and all weapons besides axes.

The vendor trash items get increasingly elaborate.

Also there's pitiful ratfolk here to get wiped easily.

Even got a hat trick of bonuses here for killing it so efficiently.

Otherwise, it's a pretty short jaunt to our final destination.

All the other brigands step back in fear. I mean, this is Sir Berg we're talking about.

First off, click the music link holy crap. Decisive Battle II is my favorite track in this game, and it pairs especially well with Olberic's lead-up.

First off, Hired Help lets us choose between a few different groups for a price. Each boost point adds an additional hit, the weapon/element depending on who's chosen.

Mercenaries use swords, and are quite weak, but they target all enemies so are great for wearing down foes weak to swords.

However, they also provide a party-wide PhysDef buff, a minimum of two turns with two more per boost point. This is pretty important.

Because Gaston hits like a truck, and his comrades are pretty hardy themselves.

Fortunately, they're weak to most of our offense, to the point where any character can chip away at their defenses.
As usual, our priority is to take out the smaller foes before we focus on the big guy.

Olberic gets the Lion Dance to make him hit harder.

Gaston's charge up is good and bad. It's good in that it only targets a single character...

...but it's bad in that it's a one shot, even with a defense buff.

Gaston sadly doesn't share the weaknesses of his helpers, so we can't really chip away at him while we take out the others.

The guy is very hardy, too. Our characters at max-boost average 500 damage for their best attacks.

Time to get paid.

Oh, Gaston also knows Level Slash, and it hurts. It's not even a charge move like Helgenish's target-all move, so it's harder to prepare for since you get no tells.
The lack of party-wide healing certainly makes things more difficult.

To make things worse, the grunts also can use target-all attacks.

Things get very dire, very quick.

For awhile, it's a matter of rezzing others while I hope for miracles to happen. This attack onslaught is brutal and will take a character down to low HP quickly, and that's if Mighty Blow isn't activated!

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Gotta stop the attacks somehow, time to break them!

That's two boss battles in a row that a key Tressa evasion saves me from a wipe.
Tressa is clutch.

Fortunately, as I use Charge to slow down the damage, I luck out and finish off both brigands, which gives me a lot of breathing room.

Now I can revive my party and focus on Gaston himself.

Bludgeon can inflict the unconscious status effect, which is a stun. It's pretty nasty.

Eventually, I exploit his knife weakness to break him...

...and use the opportunity to find his other weaknesses while I put the hurt on him. Turns out he's also weak to spears, staves, and ice!

A fully-boosted Olberic shouts his iconic line.

Cross Strike is wonderful here. Olberic has the muscle to deal massive damage to every foe he meets.

Though the other characters aren't really that bad, either!

The battle is still no cakewalk, however, but it's certainly more manageable.

Plus now we're in a much better position to break him before he does anything particularly nasty.

We eventually wear him down to where victory is in reach...

And with one last break...

...Olberic has the honors of the finishing blow.

A Healing Grape Bunch heals everyone's HP.
Of course I only get that after beating the boss that would've been crazy handy in.

Gaston's no ordinary brigand. Even if he fell to such villainry, there is an air of honor within him. A shame things had to turn out the way they did, though, as he's still a criminal and must atone for his crimes.

This guy's voice reaction is perfect here. Just a deadpan "...what."

Olberic, inspired by the good hearts of his new comrades, throws his sword in with them. And as we leave...

And so Olberic takes the long road ahead to find the answers he searches for...
We're halfway done with the Chapter 1 story quests! We still have to recruit four more characters, so it's time to choose our next one.
Next time, Cobblestone and probably a few Side Stories sprinkled between here and our next destination.