The Cave of Rhiyo is, well, a cave.

It's surprisingly linear, with the side paths to treasure pretty obvious. Many of the treasures are alchemical ingredients, as is fitting for Alfyn.

There are the usual baddies, of course...

But I smash 'em.

These enemies can inflict poison, and poison deals 1/6 Max HP damage, so it can be rather nasty if you don't take care of it quickly.

But that's what Concoct is for! Soothing Seed + Noxroot heals 200HP and cures Poison.

The enemies are high enough level that I get to Alfyn's second skill before I even reach his boss. I opt for Amputation since I can replicate his other skills for now.

The token vendor sells some components as well as some herbs to cure poison and unconsciousness. Consider that a hint.

Why not?

Well, this looks important.

That...is a big snake.

The Blotted Viper's in the middle difficulty-wise. He's easier than the bosses from Primrose and Olberic's chapters, but he's not the cakewalk the last couple were.

Business as usual. Take out the smaller foes first.

Poison Breath is scary. It deals alright damage, but it also inflicts poison on the entire party. Without Alfyn, it's impossible to heal poison party-wide, meaning you have to either waste turns curing it single-target, or wait for it to wear off as you take lots of damage. And that's if it doesn't use it again and add more turns.

But we do have Alfyn, and it just so happens that if we substitute the Seed for Dust, we can heal poison from the entire party with a small HP bonus on top of that.
Alfyn is really solid.

The Blotted Viper hits pretty hard with its party-wide attacks, too.

The fodder foes fall, leaving us with just the Viper.

The next step is chipping away at its weaknesses, until...


Since it had help, this guy doesn't have as high HP as the last two bosses.

Which is unfortunate for it.

And Leghold Trap, for good measure. Which it kinda seems to ignore a bit...

If you don't bother with Concoct and waited this long to recruit Alfyn (since the boss has much easier patterns early on), this guy can be very challenging. Poison is not a status to take lightly in this game. It's not the end of the world or anything, but the damage is significant enough to be a concern combined with all the other hard-hitting attacks.

And so the boss charges up its super attack...

And check that next turn. The Blotted Viper is now getting three attacks in one turn. This is how Octopath Traveler balances its bosses later on, by giving bosses more attacks each turn. Two attacks per turn becomes the norm later on.

Its first attack is Constrict, which inflicts Unconsciousness, which is a straight-up stun attack. The character is useless until it wears off or is healed.

This is where my knowledge of the game comes into play. Curious Bloom has wildly different effects depending on the primary ingredient, enough so that there's not even any consistency between a Seed and a Dust of the same type.

Soothing Dust + Curious Bloom heals a good amount of HP and heals all status effects while giving a turn of the status immunity buff.
Yeah, I could've just used an herb, but I like to show off.

After another Sweep, its third move is to do four powerful attacks on random targets.
If I had bad timing and didn't have two healers and Leghold Trap to give me a lot of breathing room, this could've been a scary situation.

But at this point, it's so low on health that I finish it soon after. Another job well done!

And so Alfyn saves the day thanks to the magic of having a really big axe.

The game helpfully zooms in to Alfyn's home.

Might as well check in on Zeph and Nina real quick before we do so.

And also take his axe I guess.

Alfyn invites his new friends to crash at his place. Alfyn seems the most likely of the bunch to let total strangers sleep in his home, so makes sense to me.

Alfyn's young and his lived in the same small village his whole life, so of course he has the yearning to go out, explore the world, and learn all he can to hone his craft. But he has responsibilities here, so it's not that simple.

And of course, Alfyn will leave his home to see the world outside.

Alfyn sets out to help everyone he can, including the very people in the traveling band he has joined.
Our merry group is up to seven, but that's not enough for a proper Octopath. For now, we'll explore Clearbrook and the surrounding areas and solve a few more problems, and then eventually go and recruit our eighth and final character. Until next time!