Today's team. Olberic and Therion have banters, so they're obvious picks. Continuing the gimmicks, Cyrus is a Cleric, which suits him quite well. I still want to avoid job pairings to make things slightly more challenging, so I keep Ophilia as a Hunter, Therion an Apothecary, and because the thread requested it, Olberic a Dancer.

There's a trail to the forest, but it's uneventful.

This is the Murkwood. Not the Mirkwood, of course, that "U" makes it legally distinct and there's no jerk wood elves in sight anyway.

It's a forest dungeon, so your usual winding paths. Well, this one starts out as a big circle, then we go east from the top and it's pretty much a straight line besides all the paths for treasure, so for a forest dungeon this is more linear than usual.

I have quite a few encounters in this dungeon, with all these enemies.

Many of them make the mistake of being weak to fire, so Cyrus ends up burning down half the forest.

Today's purple chest has a Clarity Stone, which prevents Confusion. I rarely bother with status-blocking accessories, but I still appreciate having them if I need them. I just need to block specific statuses on Alfyn and he can easily heal the rest of the party if I run into such a nasty boss.

The only reason Cyrus isn't ripping stuff apart is because I still haven't had a good staff upgrade yet, leaving my highest staff below 80 ElemAtk. That's worse than some of my other weapons! I'm probably going to have to overpay for a good staff sooner or later. As if bosses aren't already trivial...

At any rate, eventually we reach the center, and so...

Derryl jumps in front of Emil to protect him. I mean, that beast is probably going to eat both no problem, but it's the thought that counts.

Today's boss battle is Hróðvitnir. I'm going to call him Groovy Hroovy instead.

Hroovy wastes no time getting groovy. His first action gives him two turns a round for the duration of the fight. We haven't really seen this much yet, but multiple-turn bosses will be a staple soon enough.
Of course, Leghold Trap will work on all of these turns.

Things go as usual. Find weaknesses and break 'em.

I use Lion's Dance on Olberic. Lion's Dance gives one less turn than the Warrior's Abide, so this seems like a stupid move. However, it does mean we get to hear Olberic's dancer lines, which is a more-than-sufficient trade-off.

At this point, my party throws their usual barrage of max-boost attacks and together knock off close to a third of this beast's max HP in one round.

This wolf isn't quite the pushover that I make him look, however. Hroovy gains two groovy shields every time we break him, up to eleven. And now that he's under half health, he jumps up to three turns a round.

I shake things up mainly to show off more battle lines. Why not?

As for Hroovy's attacks, they're not that groovy. Bestial Fang deals huge damage (at least to non-Ophilia characters) and can debuff PhysDef. He also has a party-wide physical attack, a PhysAtk buff, and an attack that both debuffs PhysDef and can inflict Terror (which prevents gaining and using Boost) to the entire party. So he can be annoying, but honestly he's not too threatening even with three turns.

Especially when my party can tear through Hroovy's HP like a...
*checks rhyming dictionary*
...groovy goofy juicy looney. Sure, that can vaguely make sense, let's go with that.

Anyway even if Hroovy survives, his groovy home will be ashes.

The foolish wolf throws what pathetic attacks he has at us...

...before I kill him trying to break him. And with that, the forest has become significantly less groovy today.

We're back in Saintsbridge, so let's do some banter.

This is a bit unusual, since this one's more focused on Therion mulling over his past. Of course, we know he had a childhood friend that for all we know has betrayed him and caused him to adopt his loner persona, though the details will have to wait until his latter chapters. But it makes sense that watching those two children make friends again has triggered some long-dormant feelings within him. But that's stuff we'll dive into more during his latter two chapters.

For now, let's head back to the cathedral and retire for the day.

And with that, the friggin' outrageous Ophilia continues on her quest after beating Groovy Hroovy to a bloody pulp and helping two children become friends again. An inspiring tale for the ages.
Let's close things out with one last travel banter.

The last banter pairing we haven't seen, Ophilia and Olberic are the most upstanding and noble of the group, so they of course get along quite well and have much respect for each other, as well as very similar life philosophies.
And speaking of The Unbending Blade, after the usual diversion of exploring Saintsbridge and tackling another Side Story, we'll close out Chapter 2 with Olberic as we travel to Victor's Hollow within the Woodlands. Until next time!