Today's story takes place outside Saintsbridge, off the beaten path a bit.

This guy wants to find the identity of this random corpse he fished up. Seems simple enough.
This is another quest where we have two ways to solve it, so...

The first option involves an excursion into this area's side-dungeon. It's a cave with a lot of water. It's what you'd expect from this game's dungeons.

There are some tough enemies like these Light Elementals and Bandit Bones, but nothing too scary.

This guy's a bit of a scumbag.

Fun fact, failing checks in dungeons means nothing since there's no towns to penalize you.

So I can attempt stealing this scumbag's journal as many times as I want. Turns out I only needed two.

The purple chests. Not a bad haul, really.

And where the boss would be if they bothered to have one. I get a feeling a lot of these side dungeons are rather unfinished, so it's just as well they're taking their time with the next one.

Anyway, let's turn this in.

If nothing else, the man has a name to be buried with.

Our reward is some money and an accessory that slightly reduces lightning and dark damage. Meh.

...What if the journal belonged to a different corpse? What if this wasn't Hugo at all?
Meh, details.

Anyway, who is this woman, and why is she relevant?

It sounds like this may be the wife of our poor soul.

Anyway, let's break her heart.

And that's it! Either way, the man gets named and laid to rest, it's just whether or not the man's wife founds out about her husband's fate.

This method is probably for the best.