Olberic and Primrose are the next banter partners, so they'll be rolling here. Primrose is my obvious choice for Cleric since she loves ElemAtk and Speed, two stats that complement a healer. H'aanit gets some utility and axe attacks as an Apothecary (not that she uses any of it, as her bow is so powerful that True Strike is always the easy choice for her), and Olberic is a Merchant because, hell, why not?

On the way back to today's dungeon, I meet some Snow Leopards. They're more powerful than Linde, but not as cool.

This forest is your standard forest dungeon. Winding paths, lots of scattered treasures, navigation is a bit of a chore. The treasures are underwhelming, even the purple chest here is only 15,000 leaves.

The Serpent can poison, the Mushroom can inflict sleep, and the Wanderweed has a multi-target ice spell. Nothing too scary.

These owls also exist, I guess.

I've got an empty slot, why not.

Eventually we get to a clearing that hints to an obvious boss battle.

So, what is today's out-of-nowhere boss?

Oh, just a freaking dragon. Sure.

Dragons are a big freaking deal in Orsterra. They are not very common, and as you may expect they are powerful creatures.
This leads to a flashback...

Z'aanta, for all his faults, is the one person that has always been there for H'aanit. He's the one to teach her all she knows, including what not to do! Most importantly, he's the father figure she needed, the person who will always believe her stories, no matter what.
And she's about to have a wild one to tell.

For the first time, H'aanit has to face life without her master. She no longer has Z'aanta watching over her. This moment is when H'aanit comes into her own as a hunter, her true coming-of-age story.

And what better foe to prove herself against, than a fearsome dragon?

The dragon may very well be my favorite of the Chapter 3 Boss fights. It has semi-unique gimmicks and, most importantly, isn't yet another physical bruiser, though it's good at that too.
First off, it has two turns the entire fight. Also, it starts off with three of its weaknesses locked.

We uncover most of its weaknesses in the first round. It does carry a nasty bow weakness, but it's smart enough to keep it locked away. It's a nice compromise I feel, because otherwise a spear or especially a bow weakness screams, "Please Break Me!".

The Dragon's probably signature move is Swept Away, which temporarily removes a character from combat. They return in three turns or so, but they cannot participiate or gain BP while they're gone, and if the rest of your party is KOed before they return, it's still a Game Over.

Otherwise, the Dragon has a powerful attack and an even more powerful Rending Claw attack. Nasty stuff.

That said, the Dragon has a mere four shields, so even with just two weaknesses we break through them easily.

And just in time for Cyrus to rejoin the fracas!

After the first break, the Dragon unlocks its sword weakness, but also goes up to seven shields.

The Dragon breathes fire, and it's quite nasty to deal with. Reflective Veil or even an ElemDef buff help out here.

Or we can just heal. That works too.

Rending Claw is nasty, and I probably should've thrown some PhysDef buffs up with Merchant.

Anyway, breaking through those shields is a bit more difficult, but still easy.

And hey, I even use Cyrus's Hunter abilities!

The Dragon's shields are now a massive ten, but now all weaknesses are exposed, including that delicious bow weakness. And guess who has two Hunters with Rain of Arrows?

The final weakness, appropriately enough, is ice.

H'aanit with a PhysAtk buff and her bow hits 7.5k with a True Strike. We're starting to brush up to that damage limit, slowly but surely!

Olberic gets swept out next. The Dragon gets a boost mode where they can sweep away two characters, which is something you really want to avoid if at all possible.

I avoid it.

H'aanit's been told time and time again that she's a capable hunter near the level of her master, but she's never had to really prove it until now. If slaying a dragon doesn't prove you're a hunter worth their salt, I don't know what does!
But for now, H'aanit has bigger priorities...

Seems Alaic has a weakness after all, and it's certainly not beasts...
We end up back in Stillsnow, with some banters to get through.

That last line from H'aanit in particular sticks out for me. That dragon fight was the moment H'aanit was no longer H'aanit, Z'aanta's gifted apprentice, but instead became H'aanit, expert hunter. It must be liberating to achieve something to put you at equals with the one who trained you.
Otherwise, it's more Olberic appreciating the art of the hunt, as he does all styles of combat. Now, for a completely different topic...

That...may be the point, Primrose.

Some incredibly awkward banter put aside, let's deliver these herbs and get what we need to take on Redeye.

This item may be useful in the inevitable fight against Redeye. I say "may" because it's just as likely you may not need to use it at all!
And with that, one last banter.

Uh... Yeah, not touching that one.

We've got what we came for. Now it's time to take our leave...

Marsalim, the capital city of the Sunlands. It'll be quite the journey from the snow-covered north to the barren south.

Fortunately, we have a small going-away party to bid us well on our next journey.

And so H'aanit leaves to vanquish the foe that defeated her master. Can she succeed where her master failed? Is H'aanit truly ready to become a master hunter herself...?
That's a story for another day. For now, we have three stories left to check in on, and as usual you're choosing what's next.
Until then, more Side Stories to follow as usual.