With another town comes another side story chain to complete.

Seems like a trap, but then the fiend probably isn't expecting The Unbending Blade to show up instead of a young girl.

Dragonsong Fang is the dungeon of this region. Don't worry about that man, we'll talk to him later.

That said, this dungeon is surprisingly short.

This helm actually has the highest PhysDef of any hat in the game. Naturally, it has no ElemDef or secondary benefit, so it's still pretty crap.

Yet another bow. This is a nice one though, as it's a fair bit stronger PhysAtk-wise than our non-TBow bows and gives good Crit. Nice for characters who don't need ElemAtk on a bow, though I really wish I could get some weapons besides bows. My strongest sword is still a pathetic 152 PhysAtk...

Otherwise, all that's left of interest here is this one fellow.

Seems like a friendly guy!

My strength is true enough.

The fool flees, and the egg is regained.

With that, let's return the egg to its rightful owner.

We get some nice rewards, including a decent set of armor that boosts Crit. Meanwhile, as far as I know we'll never see Kaia again.
Next time, another side story or two.