Today's side story features a guy down on his luck a bit.

This guy got burned badly on a deal and feel he has lost his will to live.
There's two ways we can solve this.

First, we can beat the fear out of him. He's a weakling, as just one attack from Olberic is enough to knock him back.

For someone who was cheated so bad he almost "killed" himself, he certainly gave us quite the reward.

At any rate, the merchant has a new lease on life, and seems dedicated to helping others.

The second way to fix things involves getting a hot tip from this guy, who seems to have won the eye of Tressa's family.

Needless to say, this information may be useful to a merchant with nothing to lose.

In this end, the merchant remembers he's a merchant and decides to go all-in on this one last trick.

There's no telling whether he'll fail or succeed, even if Milo's tips are generally solid. Still, he has hope and drive again, and that's something money can't buy.
...Well, maybe a lot of money could buy that. Anyway, we'll tackle one more side story next time and finally see who we'll tackle next in what seems to be a tight race...!