Music: Among Stately Peaks 

One last side story to do in Everhold, but is it a fun one!

The highlight of my show is a grand fighting spectacle. The rabble always goes mad for it... But my star fencer has run off--the gods know for what reason--and without him, well...

This man needs a star fighter for his play. Well, I may know a couple of fighters up for the task...

First off, Olberic does his try outs. He passes the physical portion, at least.

But hang me if you aren't a fighter of the highest class--you put fire in my veins! What magnificent movements you make in battle... I must have you in my show!
And thus, a star is born.
Music: Battle II 

But e'en we duel to the end of days, you shall never best me!

If it's a fight you want, then you shall have it. My, er, blade's grown dusty--rusty!--of late...


Music: Among Stately Peaks 

But that diction? That wretched monotone? Forgive me, but the stage is no place for you...
So thank you, sir!
So it turns out Olberic Eisenberg, the Unbending Blade of Hornburg, is not cut out for theater life.

Perhaps we have a better option in our party, though...

If all goes well, this should be the last time I ever have to bother with Provoke in this playthrough.

But hang me if you aren't a fighter of the highest class--you put fire in my veins! What magnificent movements you make in battle... I must have you in my show!
And thus, another star is born.
Music: Battle II 

No matter! Have at ye--ye may test the mettle of my blade, but it shall not yield!


The music stops for the briefest of seconds, until...
Music: Battle II 

Seems H'aanit may be too intense an actor for this crowd.

...and perhaps the same is true for Linde.
Music: Among Stately Peaks 

Power is good. Intensity, also good. Deranged hyperbole, not so much. Ah, well. My search goes on...
Gods a'mercy!H'aanit isn't
quite as hopeless an aspiring actress as Olberic may be, at least.

Perhaps one day she'll find the right role...

But until then, the hunt shall serve her well. Which is good, as next time we'll tackle her final chapter as she seeks to hunt down the fearsome beast Redeye once and for all.