When we explored Bolderfall, there were hints of revolution in the air. Today, let's investigate just what exactly is going on.

Today's job will involve finding a way to stop this revolution from happening.

This guy seems on the side of nobility, but his roots suggest his conflicted feelings. His desire above all else is to avoid violence between the two sides.

Also man would I love that necklace.
This is another one in which there are two ways to complete it, so...

You may remember a few NPCs down here with some odd items in their inventory.

It's kind of hard to fight a revolution if they don't have weapons!

Steal from the poor to benefit the rich. I see no flaws with this plan.

Now that we've taken their weapons, we simply need to turn them in.

Even if the rich had the poor's interests at heart, this is kind of a bad way to convince them that.

Our approach here doesn't even prevent the revolution, it only delays the inevitable. We stopped the current problem without actually fixing the underlying issues.
Surely there's a better way we could handle all this...?

This time, let's talk to the lord in question, as well as his nice chest of leaves.

This man claims to have plans to help the slum dwellers, but his words will fall on deaf ears.
But our party's mostly vagabonds and vagrants, so such words may be heard when uttered by a well-worn man-of-the-earth like Cyrus!

This man is the leader of the rebellion, so he's the one we want to share these plans with. A reminder that this fellow also wants to avoid conflict, but is opting for it because he feels it's their only choice to get what they want.

At least he seems receptive, but who knows how this meeting will go...

So the Octopath Travelers have officially ended class warfare and brought equality to all social strata. We didn't even need to kill God!

And indeed, both parties are drinking it up at the tavern.

Is this ending perhaps too idealistic? Probably, but then that's kind of the whole point of some media. It's about what humanity could theoretically obtain if we tried to be our best and worked together for the benefit of all. It's nothing we'll probably ever obtain, but it's still something worth pursuing. So this ending is unrealistic for sure, but I still appreciate how bold it is in its earnestness, especially in this day and age where cynicism would likely be the more common approach in a game like this.
It's a simple quest for sure, but this is probably one of the more interesting ones, both for the parallels with society (though of course haves/have-nots is a conflict that stretches throughout the history of humanity and will likely do so until our species dies out) and the different ways this can be resolved. I remember a few minds being blown when they learned you could resolve this peacefully!
Many bemoan the lack of a central narrative in this game, but world-focused narratives like this are so rare in video games in general that I'm happy this game is structured the way it is. It makes the side quests stand out more, even if many feel more like filler than anything else. But I'm rambling a bit now so I'll stop for now and see you all next time.